Blue Dirt Blow Out

Enjoy free sausage sizzle, beer & pizza after a hard day out on the mountain bike trails!

  • Date / Time

    29/04/2017 - 30/04/2017

About the event

Blue Dirt Blow Out

Last chance to ride the Mt Buller downhill trails for the season! Come and make the most of the final weekend (29-30 April) with the Blue Dirt Blow Out shuttle weekend! Take advantage of the Blue Dirt MTB shuttle on both Saturday and Sunday, with the added bonus of a free sausage sizzle, free beers and pizza.

One and two day passes are available for downhill shuttles starting at $50 per person for a one day downhill pass, or $90 per person for a 2 day pass.  

The schedule for the weekend will be available shortly. 

Come and join in on the fun before the trails close for the summer!

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